Beef (I use chuck tender), 2 potatoes, 2 carrots, 1 onions, garlics, ginger, cherry tomatoes and oregano (optional).

Slice beef and vegetables, except oregano of course! Cook rice using rice cooker before preparing the ingredients.

Buy the ready mix curry at any supermarket, it makes tasty curry stew.

Heat oil, saute chopped garlic and ginger until fragrant, add beef (already coated with some corn starch). Stir well until beef slightly turn brown. Transfer beef into a bowl and put aside.

Using the same saucepan to saute onions 'til fragrant, add potatoes, carrots and stir fry in medium fire for 5 minutes.
Add water to boil the vegetables, cook over low heat for 15 minutes or when the vegetable are softened.
Meanwhile, break curry sauce mix and you only need 1 cube for 2 servings. Put the cube into the mixture and stir until it completely melt.

Add cooked beef and simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from heat and add cherry tomatoes and oregano as garnishes.

Side note: I highly recommend to add cherry tomatoes in this dish, it's very delicious and make the dish even more appetizing.
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