Thursday, February 12, 2015

Gillman Barracks first visit

My husband and I discovered a new art place that we would definitely revisit often! It's Gillman Barracks , located near to the Hort Park area!

It's very mind refreshing to come to such galleries that are surrounded by nature and in a countryside setting!

"Gillman Barracks is the definitive destination for contemporary art in Singapore. The conserved colonial buildings are nestled amidst lush tropical greenery, and house renowned international art galleries that showcase some of the best art of our time."

The first gallery we visited, Space of Exception, Maryanto's first solo presentation in Singapore. "The artist is particularly interested in nature and exploring its preservation in contemporary society. The exhibition shows the artist using landscape as political conduit."

The show consists of a focal installation of a large meditative canvas drawing of the Merapi Volcano in Yogyakarta, with an accompanying installation evoking a campsite.

Continued to the next gallery, History of Java by Jimmy Ong.

Walked up the stairs, leading us to the delightful restaurants and bars.

Hopped on to the next gallery, I like this gallery the most!

Then came upon a gallery with pretty dolls and stuff, but realized it's quite twisted and dark after some observation.

We were amazed at how huge this place was, we just hopped from one gallery to another to discover more art!

Tranquil feeling!

Some galleries were closed that day, but that's fine as we have countless galleries to visit.

But we have to rush our time for this last gallery. The Gillman Barracks close by 7pm.

We exited by this ancient looking gate! I had a lovely day shared with my loved one!! More to come!

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