Thursday, November 03, 2011

Cute Babies

I used to think babies are like strange objects, hard to understand them and I'm really scared of them crying or screaming! I used to think of not wanting to have a baby of my own! But lately, I've met so many well-behaved babies with angelic faces that made my heart melt!!!

Baby Y Nhi, my niece! I love her even before she was born, when she was still inside her mommy's tummy! Her eyes are huge and beautiful! My sister is so blessed that she has this sweet angel! I love to spoil my niece and she is a very sensible baby at the age of two.

Baby Zhu Xuan, my grand-niece!!! She is a sweet and sassy little "lady" with attitude at the age of three! I adore her and love her so very much!

Baby Eita Kawashima!!! I kissed and hugged Eita whenever I'm close to him! At the age of one, he is curious about everything, but not afraid of strangers! I like him a lot!

These angels are a few that changed my perception about having a baby!!! Still, I'm not ready to be a mother, but maybe someday! :P

My second Dance Central video on youtube!!!

Enjoy!!! :P


mooneywithrene said...

Hahahaha, you looked like those three babies's Mom .

Bear Bear said...

Hahahah, I wish! They are too cute!