Thursday, September 27, 2012

Tomato and tofu soup

A healthy soup that is simple to cook and very delicious!

Onions, garlic, finely chopped.
Tomatoes, sliced.
Dried mushrooms, soaked and sliced.
Minced meat.
Coriander, finely chopped.
Tofu, washed and sliced.
2 eggs. (Forgot to include in the picture!)
 Assorted vegetables, potatoes, baby corns and enoki mushrooms. (optional)

Heat oil, fry garlic and dried mushrooms until fragrant, add potatoes and stir until slightly golden brown, add enoki mushrooms and onions, stir occasionally for 5 minutes.

Add tomatoes. Add water to the level of tomatoes, boil in medium heat for 5 minutes, then add a chicken stock cube, stir until it's completely dissolved. Add tofu and boil for a couple of minutes more.

Add slightly beaten eggs and minced meat to the soup, boil for another 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and add chopped corianders! Done, enjoy the delicious soup!

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